Date: June 28, 2018 — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Contact: Mr. Andrew R. Armstrong, Executive Director of Business Operations aarmstrong@glnd.k12.va.us | (804) 332 0965 | @glndschools www.goochlandschools.org
Governor Ralph Northam and the state Board of Education announced yesterday that 349 schools and 16 school divisions earned 2018 Virginia Index of Performance (VIP) awards for advanced learning and achievement. The VIP program recognizes schools and divisions that exceed state and federal accountability standards and achieve excellence goals established by the Governor and the Board of Education. Goochland County Public Schools was recognized as one of the 15 divisions earning the 2018 Board of Education Distinguished Achievement Award for its 2016-2017 student achievement.
“The teachers, principals and support staff in these schools share a commitment to academic excellence and meeting the needs of every learner,” said Governor Northam. “I congratulate our educators, school administrators, and the students of these great schools for achieving the Commonwealth’s highest award for schoolwide excellence.”
Goochland County Public Schools, in addition to meeting Virginia SOL accreditation benchmarks with fully accredited status for all schools for over ten consecutive years, has made instructional innovation, engaging curriculum, recruitment and retention of quality personnel, and significant capital planning to support quality instruction areas of focus under the leadership of the current School Board and Superintendent, Dr. Jeremy Raley.
“Our results are strong, we have a lot to be proud of,” said Dr. Steve Geyer, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction. “I often get asked by colleagues across the state what makes our instructional program so successful. My response is always the same, ‘It’s our people.’
Geyer added, “We have great kids and families – and we have the most dedicated, talented, caring educators anywhere. It’s their hard work every single day that’s at the center of our division’s success.”
The Goochland County Public Schools mission is to maximize the potential of every learner. Read more about the 2018 Virginia Department of Education VIP Awards at http://www.doe.virginia.gov/news/news_releases/2018/06-jun27-gov.shtml